
Trencz Aquascutum - stylowy płaszcz na chłodniejsze, letnie dni

Trenczowy płaszcz to idealny wybór na chłodniejsze, letnie wieczory. Można go połączyć zarówno ze strojem sportowym, jak i z eleganckim. Dla ceniących sobie jakość wykonania, idealnym wyborem będzie trencz od Aquascutum.

 Trencz Aquascutum  Trencz Aquascutum

Aquascutum to szacowna, brytyjska instytucja z tradycją. Szczególnie dobrą renomą cieszą się męskie i damskie płaszcze Aquascutum – marka ta kojarzona jest przede wszystkim z klasycznym trenczem, który w tym sezonie triumfalnie powrócił na wybiegi. Granatowy męski trencz z najnowszej kolekcji uszyty został z bawełny.

 Trencz Aquascutum

Ma on szlachetną linię i doskonale układa się na męskiej sylwetce. Granat to praktyczniejszy kolor, niż częściej spotykany - beż. Taki płaszcz to doskonała inwestycja, bo przecież klasyczna elegancja nigdy nie wychodzi z mody! Cena takiego modnego ciucha to 630 funtów - około 3 530 zł.

2010-06-21 - I. Rupa


Komentarze do:
Trencz Aquascutum - stylowy płaszcz na chłodniejsze, letnie dni

Katie 2019-02-13 08:02

Hello I enjoy blogging and have just recently written an article on the future of the fashion industry. I would like to contribute it to your blog - feel free to publish it. You will find the article inside my g drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/11BKwEwJZapIWy70aDJ0YsOl8SQKpHrDr?usp=sharing Hopefully, your readers will enjoy it! Have a good day! Regards Katie

Taylor 2019-12-16 04:37

Hi there, My name is Taylor and I work at WhiteboardVideoService.com. I’m mailing you because I found your site: banzaj.pl and was wondering if you are interested in adding a whiteboard style animated video? If you are not the person to contact I would be very grateful if you could pass this message to them. Here are some of the video styles I create: 1. Whiteboard style 2. Niche specific Animated explainers 3. Chalkboard/Glassboard style 4. Kinetic typography 5. Presentation style If you are interested please let me know, and if none of them speak to your imagination I do many other styles as well, so please do reach out to me personally. I’ve made quite a lot of interesting, engaging videos, you can see over 40 examples I did for other sites on WhiteboardVideoService.com The videos are very cool and it's really amazing what I can create for you. I do everything including script, music and voiceover. It will really help bring your website to life, engage your users and help you stand out from your competitors. So head over to WhiteboardVideoService.com today. If you prefer me to show and talk through the video styles, I would be very happy to call you. I have some time later this week and early next, so please let me know when, and the best number I can reach you on. Kind regards, Taylor Jones Video Magician at WhiteboardVideoService.com PS: You are probably wondering, even if I would like a video, I'm very busy, what do I have to do? After you purchase, I only need your website link. Yes, really. PPS: It you are interested, you are certainly thinking, how much? The first completely done for you video is only $77, including custom script, video and music (the next is $97). If you would like a voice over as well, it's only $177. Head over to WhiteboardVideoAnimationService.com to see what I can do for you today. PPPS: If this is not of interest please accept my apologies and reply with no with your site in the subject line so you are not bothered again.

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